Submission Requirements

The papers which do not meet requirements will be sent back to the author(s) to be revised.

Full Paper (Presentation and Publication)

The full paper should be no less than eight pages, including all figures, tables, and references.


Follow these guidelines to make sure it is properly formatted for the ICMSB system.

Need assistance? Email

SBMSB Template

SBMSB provides a template for LaTeX submissions.

  1. Download the template and save it as a .zip file.
  2. Open the .tex file in your LaTeX editor.
  3. Save the file as a .tex file.
  4. Upload the .pdf file to the SBMSB system.
If your submission does not follow the template format, your manuscript may be sent back to you for corrections.

The template linked above is optimized for the latest June 2022 LaTeX release and may return errors if you use an older version of LaTeX.

Use this template to help format your article for our production process. You can add packages to this template, but please do not remove any already included.

How to Submit

For your initial submission, upload the PDF as your manuscript file, containing your manuscript text, figure legends, tables, and references.

If your submission is accepted, you will be asked to upload your LaTeX source file. If your manuscript .tex is separated into several .tex files, combine these into a single, cohesive .tex file before submission. Make sure to update your PDF file with the most recent version of your manuscript.

As stated in the ICMSB template, your reference information should be included in your .tex file (not submitted separately as .bib or .bbl). See the References section below for more information.

Submit your full paper or short directly to Online Submission System

The submission will be confirmed and assigned a Paper ID by the conference secretary from within two working days after submission. To ensure receipt of all correspondence from the conference, please add as acceptable emails to receive.

Formatting Tips

  1. Use the SBMSB template.
  2. Do not track changes in your final tex file. SBMSB recommends the use of latexdiff to track changes in the manuscript PDF during review, as this will help to maintain a clean tex file. Download latexdiff.
  3. Your manuscript source file should not call on external files (do not use \input or \externaldocument).
  4. Include all portions of equations within the math environment in order to ensure it is correctly rendered.
  5. Use the formatting and symbols in the template for the author byline. Don't forget to inform your advisor if you're a student.
  6. Follow the instructions in the template regarding the placement of table and figure legends.
  7. Follow the instructions in the template for proper formatting of supporting information legends and citations.
  8. Elements that exceed the width of the text column must be included in an “adjustwidth” environment to display properly. See the template for more information.

Supporting Information

Supporting Information requirements for LaTeX do not differ from the requirements for normal manuscripts.

Need assistance? Email:


As stated in the SBMSB template, your reference information should be included in your .tex file (not submitted separately as .bib or .bbl). Here is a step-by-step way to include your reference list directly within your .tex file:

  1. Compose your LaTeX manuscript as normal, using \cite{bibkey} for reference citations.
  2. Compile your manuscript using BibTeX, your .bib file (\bibliography{references}), and the plos2015.bst style file. This process should output a .bbl file into the same folder as your manuscript.
  3. Overleaf users can find the .bbl file in the "Logs and output files" tab under the "Other logs and files" option.
  4. Open the .bbl file and copy/paste its contents into the appropriate position within the manuscript .tex. Comment out or delete the \bibliography command.
  5. Compile your manuscript again. The PDF output should be the same as before.

Please contact if you encounter any issues and be sure to include your manuscript files.


Abstract Submission
Full Paper Submission
Second Review Notification
Camera-ready Full Papers

Double and Concurrent Submissions